Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Everlasting Bliss.

Whoa! It's been awhile since my last blog. That was 2008! Many great things happened from that time to today. 2008 was a great year for me and Georgia. Travels, career move for me as well as Georgia's stardom in her UK job stint. That was also the time when things and preparation for our wedding kicked off. That following year 2009 were even fuller of great blessings. The fruit of our challenging year of handful trials that went head-to-head against us was our wedding end of that year. Stress were all over the place. Had quarrels, brain draining problems, last minute details of the wedding et al. Looking back to it made us wonder how great God is and how He loves us much. Despite of all the troubles of the preparation, we made it with His support, our families, relatives and friends. Everybody had a great night that 28th day of 2009. An unforgettable date full of laughter, joy, good food, great music and a date with my beloved gorgeous bride Georgia. It is now the 2nd month of 2010, waiting for my wife to finally follow me here in Kuwait. We still struggle with all the adjustments we have to make especially from her side. I know how tough for her to give up her wonderful life and career in the UK just to be with me. Sometimes I wonder what did I do in my past life that God has given me such a wonderful partner. HE has answer to that. No matter what it is, though I have my own answer. I know that I am destined to be with this lady. I married her because I simply love and adore her.

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